No change is too small or moment too soon

No change is too small or moment too soon

25 Apr, 2020

In a gentle way, you can shake the world - Mahatma Gandhi

The world is shaken just not gently or for good cause. The world we grew up in and had learned to survive and thrive is no longer the same. In the last century, there has been no greater impact on our way of life than this one. Notions that we had so closely held on to have been tossed and new way of life has emerged.

In every crisis emerges an opportunity, an opportunity to think and do things differently. If we think through, there is no better time for a paradigm shift like this. The world had gone digital over a decade back, companies had woken to Data Science, AI and Machine Learning. Sectors such as FMCG, Telecom, Real Estate have all channeled their resources to reap benefits of AI. But what does it mean for changing job roles or does it mean all baby boomers of the world will become obsolete?

As someone rightly said, ‘we change or stagnate’. The job roles have changed, thus requiring people to upskill and /or reskill. Our professors who were so used to the boards or classroom teaching are now interacting online. The sales calls are now being held virtually, so are the pitch presentations or the concerts. Companies today do not talk about organizational culture but digital culture.

So now is the right time to embrace change and move on. It is time that each one of us acknowledges and integrates technology in our roles. We need to innovate and collaborate more than ever until the old blurs and the new becomes an inherent part of us.

You may be at the receiving of this change now, but there is a lot you can do about it:

  • Look for alternate career options. Imagine some of the best copywriters are the ones with an engineering background.
  • Network. You may not have had the time or inclination before this but its unavoidable now. Experts say more than 70 percent ended in their current position because of networking.
  • Know yourself. We have seen people earning through their hobbies. I have known housewives taking up their hobby of baking as a profession and making a name for themselves.
  • Learn something new. A new course in data science or analytics may not be useful today but will definitely make you more knowledgeable and provide you a broader perspective in your career or job role.
  • Age is not a bar. Always have a positive attitude to learning, changing and people. You are never too old or senior for anything.
  • Dream. Whether you dream of starting a venture or going around the world, it keeps you young, optimistic and always aspiring for the good times ahead.

Where we are and where we will be is a determinant of our attitude to change. Remember the times when you were weary and burnt out, all you wanted was to be couch potato. The time is now and here, make the most of it. For, I thought I saw it all until I changed my glasses.

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